firmware_development of kneron_plus_1.3 with KL720

How can I build the firmware_development of kneron_plus_1.3 with KL720?

I only can find KL520 folder in firmware_development.


  • Hi,

    You can build the Kneron PLUS 1.3 firmware for KL720 in the development center under "KL720 SDK":

    Kneron PLUS 1.3.0 is compatible with KL720 SDK v1.5.0, and with KL520 SDK v1.7.0.

  • spsp
    edited January 2023

    Maria Chen Thanks for your reply.

    Does KL720 SDK contians the project(.uvprojx) which can build the fw_ncpu.bin and fw_scpu.bin in res/firmware/KL720?

    I want to modify the user_pre_proecess.c and user_post_process.c in KL720 version.

    But I found that KL720 SDK do not cantain any preprocess and postprocess code.

    How do you suggest to modify the customed inference on KL720 in Kneron PLUS 1.3.0?

  • Hi,

    Yes, for KL720 SDK v1.5.0, the KL720 SDK contains the project inside firmware/build/solution (any of them)/sn72096_9x9, in .uvmpw format, which serves as a workspace that can access other linked .uvprojx projects.

    However, editing NCPU isn't supported in KL720 SDK v1.5.0, so I would recommend you to use the updated KL720 SDK v2.1.0 (compatible with Kneron PLUS version v2.1.0), and the NCPU folder would be in firmware/platform/kl720/ncpu. Also, you'll need an Xtensa Xplorer license to edit the KL720 NCPU.

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