Is reboot device necessary?

Every time a model is loaded from file, KL720 device check if model is loaded before (through reboot_if_model_is_loaded) , and reboot the device if that is the case, before loading the new model.

My question is, is this necessary? Can we just unload the previous model by calling kp_release_model_nef_descriptor and then load the next model without rebooting device?

I tested unloading the model and loading it again without rebooting device and looks like everything still working but wonder if there's any potential risk from doing so?



  • Hi,

    The kp_release_model_nef_descriptor function only releases the struct of the model information, so it doesn't unload the model on the device.

    If the device already has a model, we can skip kp_load_model and run inference. If you'd like to load a different model, rebooting the device would be necessary to clear the model on the device.

  • Hi Maria,

    Thanks for your reply.

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