Facing issue while testing python Inference code for yolov8 face

I have successfully converted yolov8-face into .nef, while testing inference code for yolov8-face .nef model I am getting bellow error.

(kneron) C:\Users\Mantra\Desktop\KL630\kneron_plus\python\example>python3 infer_testY8n.py

[Connect Device]

 - Success

[Set Device Timeout]

 - Success

[Upload Firmware]

 - Success

[Upload Model]

 - Success

[Read Image]

 - Success

[Starting Inference Work]

 - Starting inference loop 10 times

 - - Error: inference failed, error = Error raised in function: generic_image_inference_receive. Error code: 103. Description: ApiReturnCode.KP_FW_INFERENCE_TIMEOUT_103

can you please help me to resolve this issue.

I have attached .nef model and that inference code in .txt file.


  • This question was answered by the customer via email. The main reason for the error is that the model contains cpu nodes and KL630 does not support cpu nodes.

  • The main reason for the error is that the model contains cpu nodes and KL630 does not support cpu nodes.

    same issue I am facing now . How can I remove/replace cpu nodes so that I can easily deploy model into KL630 device

  • could you please tell me as soon as possible

  • edited April 23


    For now, KL630 is only available through sales channels and it's not publicly available yet. Please contact Nick Wang (nick.wang@kneron.us) and FanChiang (shihchun.fanchiang@kneron.us) for technical assistance.

    Update (April 23): Our team members are working on this issue via mail.

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