Upgrade failure

Hi guys,

May I know how to upgrade the KL720 usb dongle? I have followed the instructions inside the documentation but always failed with error code 28. Please advice.


  • Hi folks,

    May I have some help from Kneron experts? I have been stuck on this issue for some time, and need to deliver to my customer. Really sorry for any inconvenience caused.

  • Hi,

    At first, it seems like you can connect to KL720, so the error might've been caused from automatically resetting and reconnecting during the firmware update. Are you running on a virtual machine? If so, please make sure the USB dongle is connected to your virtual machine instead of your PC.

  • edited May 20

    HI Maria Chen,

    No, I am not running on virtual machine. I have tried running in both ubuntu 18.04 in docker container using KneronDFUT.sh and ubuntu 20.04 natively using DFUT_console. Both cases have the same error.

  • edited May 20

    I also suspected if the device has been upgraded before since the FW type is showing "KDP2 Comp/F". So then, i also have tried to flash in the model, still the same failure happened.

  • Hi,

    When your KL720 dongle has FW Type KDP2 Comp/F, you should be able to run Kneron PLUS examples such as kl720_demo_generic_image_inference.

    Also, when you use Kneron DFUT console, have you tried closing docker before using it? Besides that, since this error is a USB connection issue, please check if you have configured settings on your environment: Install Dependency - Document Center (kneron.com)

  • Hi Maria Chen,

    Thanks, it is working now. Btw, I could only run the script once after the device has been up. For the next run, error 28 would happen and need to replug the dongle in order to have a success run.

  • Hi,

    I'm glad it's working! When you're running the script, please make sure your KL720 dongle is connected and it appears on your device. You could also specify the port that the dongle is on. I've seen issues where the dongle would be disconnected after resetting connection when running on virtual machines, so it might be something similar to that.

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