I have a question about Kneron DFUT

Hello, I'm experiencing an error where the Kneron device cannot be found during the process of upgrading the KL720 USB accelerator firmware. I'm working on a project involving mmclassification, and the problematic section is as follows.

(https://github.com/kneron/kneron-mmclassification/blob/main/docs_kneron/regnet_step_by_step.md 'The error occurred during the 6-2 process in kneron-mmclassification')

To proceed with the above process, I installed Ubuntu 18.04.5 OS on VMware and carried out the steps. However, a message stating 'Cannot find Kneron Device' appeared in the terminal. I have attached the issue I encountered below

I don't have any further solutions, so I would like to request assistance. Thank you. I eagerly await your response


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