When I run KL720-cam_isi_pre_post_host_fcos in ubuntu 18 ,The script crashes after 2 seconds
When I run "python -main.py -t KL720-cam_isi_pre_post_host_fcos in ubuntu 18 ,The script crashes 2 seconds after the camera window opens . Below is the log for the same.
will@will:~/New_project/kl720/host_lib-master/python$ python3 main.py -t KL720-cam_isi_pre_post_host_fcos
adding devices....
start kdp host lib....
Task: KL720-cam_isi_pre_post_host_fcos
de init kdp host lib....
Can you please tell how to fix it
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Same as the case cam_isi_post_host_yolov3_ssd_fd
Just change the loop time number of cam_isi_pre_post_host_fcos.py
Line 97: ret = user_test_single_yolo(device_index, 20)
Thanks , Its running for longer duration