firmware update problem

How can change the FW TYPE to KDP2?


  • I mean how to select the kl720 devices to be update to kdp2.

  • Just left click mouse to select it. You can see the device you selected was highlight.

  • Hello,

    I have downloaded the opencv through MSYS2 and done all the step in the document, but this occured when I was trying to make the examples.

    There is also a problem when I try to execute one of the examples by this "sudo ./kl520_demo_generic_image_inference_post_yolo" command line, it shows that "# sudo ./kl720_demo_generic_image_inference_post_yolo

    -bash: sudo: command not found "

    I am using the MSYS2 on windows.

  • is this okay?

  • Hi Jingyuan,

    For the OpenCV issue, have you added the path and environment values yet? The documentation on installing and setting up OpenCV can be found here: Install Dependency - Document Center (

    Please feel free to check if you've followed all the instructions in the documentation.

    For the Kneron DFUT issue, if you'd like to change the firmware type to KDP2, you'll need firmware (SCPU and NCPU) that support KDP2. If you've downloaded a more recent Kneron PLUS (v1.3.0 and above), the firmware (inside kneron_plus/res/firmware/KL720) type should be KDP2.

    As for the Warning, it appears when you try to upload firmware with earlier versions. I don't know where they are from, so you could either upload other firmware (mentioned above) or upload them at your own risk.

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