How to install KL630 Driver for Windows?

Hi, I just followed the example to install a driver for Windows.

but I got some errors:

usage: [-h] [-t {ALL,KL520,KL720}] error: argument -t/--target: invalid choice: 'KL630' (choose from 'ALL', 'KL520', 'KL720')

p.s Kneron PLUS version is 2.2.0.



  • Hi,

    You can try to install the driver using Zadig.

    Please refer to Section 2.1.3 "Using Zadig to Install Driver" at the following link:

    Thank you.

  • Hi, thanks for replying to me.

    I followed Section 2.1.3 "Using Zadig to Install Driver", but the application didn't detect the KL630 device as "Kneron KL630".

    Zading only detected KL720 and other USB devices except KL630.

    How can I solve this problem?

    Thanks in advance!

  • Problem Solved!!!

    Thank you very much.

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