SDK v1.3 and host_lib Examples

I'm using SDK v.1.3.0.

I could flash firmware of SDK v.1.3.0 to the board.

I have some questions.

a) I ran host_lib(1.1.1 R2) on SDK v.1.3.0.

When I use YOLOV3_608_MODEL on firmware of SDK v.1.3.0, there isn't no square on the capture video.

This result is incorrect. Because YOLOV3 didn't work correctly.

When I used YOLOV3_608_MODEL on firmware of SDK v.1.1.1, some squares could display on some objects.

b) I found the command "kl720_isi_load_model" in the Kneron Document Center.

But I couldn't find "kl720_isi_load_model" in my /host_lib/build/bin.

How do I get/make it?


  • Hi Nagata

    a. host_lib(1.1.1 R2) only compatible with SDK_1.1.1

    b.Only the release version host_lib_v1.0.0 support command "kl720_isi_load_model" and host_lib_v1.0.0 work with SDK_1.3

    The SDK1.3 and host_lib are old files.

    It recommand update to use the new kneron_plus to instead of host_lib.

  • Hi Mitsuhiro,

    a) KL720 SDK v.1.3.0 should support YOLOV3_608_MODEL (YOLO_V3_608_608_3). I've also tried to run "./kl720_cam_isi_center_app 0 20 210" on host_lib 1.0.0 using a KL720 board with SDK v1.3.0 firmware, and it showed some blue squares on the camera. Could you describe your situation in detail, such as the error message you're getting?

    By the way, I downloaded host_lib 1.0.0 here:

    Then I got the model from inside the KL720_SDK_v1.1.1 here, since 1.0.0 did not include YOLOV3_608_MODEL:

    There were some things I had to mark out in the code to run it properly. I'll attach the file in this reply.

    b) I've went to check the examples in host_lib, and unfortunately, it seems like some of the examples have been deleted, but the Document Center wasn't updated. Sorry about that.

    We recommend you to use our new Kneron PLUS instead of host_lib, since host_lib isn't maintained anymore and there might be minor bugs in the old programs, and there are more features in Kneron PLUS.

  • Hi Huang

    Thank you for your information of compatibility table.

    I will  try to use the new kneron_plus to instead of host_lib.

  • Hi Chen,

    Thank you for your information about  host_lib 1.0.0.

    and thank you for attaching the file "".

    I will try to use the new kneron_plus.

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