Error while erasing KL720 .I need help with setup

I am trying to erase KL720 but I am getting the error mentioned below

$ python -e

send error: expected NAK, CRC, or CAN; got b'\x00'

send error: expected NAK, CRC, or CAN; got b'\x00'

send error: expected NAK, CRC, or CAN; got b'\r'

send error: expected NAK, CRC, or CAN; got b'\n'

send error: expected NAK, CRC, or CAN; got b'B'

send error: expected NAK, CRC, or CAN; got b'O'

send error: expected NAK, CRC, or CAN; got b'O'

send error: expected NAK, CRC, or CAN; got b'T'

send error: expected NAK, CRC, or CAN; got b' '

send error: expected NAK, CRC, or CAN; got b'M'

send error: expected NAK, CRC, or CAN; got b'O'

send error: expected NAK, CRC, or CAN; got b'D'

send error: expected NAK, CRC, or CAN; got b'E'

send error: expected NAK, CRC, or CAN; got b':'

send error: expected NAK, CRC, or CAN; got b' '

send error: expected NAK, CRC, or CAN; got b'S'

send error: error_count reached 16, aborting.

Device init successfully

Please press reset button!!



Please press reset button!!

b'Boot from Block 0: Done.'

Please press reset button!!

Please press reset button!!

b'SPL Boot Start'

b'SPL v1.0.0-0'

b'>> Start running KL720 companion mode ...'

xmodem_send 4 start

xmodem_send 4 done

xmodem_send bin file start

xmodem_sending ...

xmodem_send bin file FAIL!!!! Please reset the target and start over!!!!

xmodem_send bin file result = False

Can someone tell me how to fix it .I am following this document ->

Please tell me how to flash and erase kl720 without getting any errors


William Jacob



  • Hi William

    When execute . You need set KL720 boot mode to "00 : UART".



  • Can you please list all the button configuration please

  • Hi William

    00: for uart flash_programmer purpose

    01: SPI NOR boot, this EVB don't have NOR flash.

    10: SPI_NAND boot. After program, switch to 10 for normal boot.

    11: USB boot , Currently unavailable

  • Update ...

    11: USB boot : use kl720_usb_dfw.exe to update fw_scpu.bin and fw_ncpu.bin

    more info KL720_SDK_v1.3.0\beethoven_sw\firmware\utils\usb_minion\app\readme.txt.txt

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