Inference code for testing docker toolchain example

Hi, I am able to write inference code for LittleNet model using ktc.kneron_inference and test it as well on my docker container but Now I want to write the inference code kl720 .

Can you please guide me to write inference code for the same model given in docker toolchain

Do I need to use kdp_wrapper for writing inference code for kl720??

Is it possible for write the inference code ktc APIs

Can you please answer


  • The easy way to test : use the KL720-yolo_public_example

    I attach the files as zip file.

    Abdullah_0001_112_112.bin is the input image in RGB565 format.

    D:\Kneron\host_lib\host_lib-master\python>py -t KL720-yolo_public_example

    adding devices....

    start kdp host lib....

    Task: KL720-yolo_public_example

    [array([[[[-13.31356977,  6.86266483]]]])]

    de init kdp host lib....

  • I able to test successfully with your models_720.nef file but when I replaced it with my model ( /data1/batch_compile/models_720.nef ) which I compiled in toolchain I got the below results

    will@will:~/New_project/kl720/host_lib-master/python$ python3 -t KL720-littlenet_public_example

    adding devices....

    start kdp host lib....

    Task: KL720-littlenet_public_example


    de init kdp host lib....

    When I run the inferencing code for the same model in toolchain I get the below output

    (base) root@edf75761b2af://workspace/william# python 

    /workspace/miniconda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/numpy/ UserWarning: mkl-service package failed to import, therefore Intel(R) MKL initialization ensuring its correct out-of-the box operation under condition when Gnu OpenMP had already been loaded by Python process is not assured. Please install mkl-service package, see

     from . import _distributor_init

    Using TensorFlow backend.

    Section 3 E2E simulator result:

    [array([[[[-15.372369,  8.235198]]]])]

    Please let me whats the issue and how to fix it

  • could you upload your littlenet models_720.nef

  • This is the model I created

  • My model_id setting is 32768.

    km = ktc.ModelConfig(32768, "0001", "720", onnx_path="/workspace/examples/LittleNet/LittleNet.onnx")

    your model_id is 1001

    So you need change model_id setting to 1001 in

    # Model ID is the same one generated with batch compile (32768 in this case)

    #MODEL_ID = constants.ModelType.CUSTOMER.value

    MODEL_ID = 1001

  • Its working now , Thanks

    One things which I noticed was that while running using kl720 I am getting output as [array([[[[-13.31356977,  6.86266483]]]])]

    and while running the inference code in docker toolchain the output is [array([[[[-15.372369,  8.235198]]]])]

    Can you tell me why there is difference in value for the same model

  • edited August 2021

    In the KL720-yolo_public_example , input image using RGB565 color format (2 bytes per pixel).

    The input data is similar with orginal picture but not same. So this example will get diferent output.

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