Modifying Host_lib Programs to PLUS Programs in Python

To rewrite host_lib programs to PLUS-compatible programs, please feel free to refer to the below files that could be downloaded at:

The zip file contains the following: (should be placed in ${PLUS_FOLDER}/python/example)

This program in PLUS turns on the camera for the OS (Windows, Linux, etc.) and detects objects such as faces and cellphones. It works similarly to in host_lib, so comparing these two programs could help with getting an idea of converting certain functions from host_lib to PLUS.

-coco_name_lists (should be placed in ${PLUS_FOLDER}/python/example/utils)

This file lists the Yolo object name in their class number order. This is used in both and for identifying the objects detected.


This image compares the functions in host_lib programs with the ones in PLUS programs.


*Before running programs in PLUS, install the dependencies for PLUS written in and ${PLUS_FOLDER}/python/doc/markdown/introduction/

*To run programs in PLUS, the AI device (e.g. AI dongle) needs to be upgraded to KDP2 Firmware. The instructions are written in

Please feel free to ask any questions about migrating from host_lib to PLUS.

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