
I am creating a toy for my granddaughter. I have Mycroft running on a Raspberry Pi. I purchased an AI Dongle so I could have Mycroft call it for image recognition. Has anyone connected Mycroft and Kneron before?



  • I am having to install and build both manually because the new Raspberry PI 4 is 64 bit and not 32 bit like the premade images. The instructions on how to install and build Kneron are incomplete. Is there a newer version or one with more detail than:

  • Hi Myron,

    Kneron supports Raspberry Pi 4, so you should be able to install the dependencies even though our document says 32-bit.

    Could you let us know what parts are incomplete or if you are having any troubles? We could help you in this thread.

  • Sorry for taking so long to get back. Just now getting time to work on this again. I am no longer using the 64 bit OS. It is still too bugy. But I am still having issues installing Kneron. I am new to the Linux world. So I have trouble figuring things out that others my have done on their own.

    The first steps seem to be missing things or are confusing. Like:

    $ cd ./package/{platform}/

    Not sure what platform you are talking about. The Raspberry Pi, Python, or Kneron? Can you show what what you would type on a Raspberry Pi as an example?

    This command is also an issue:

    $ pip install KneronPLUS-{version}-py3-none-any.whl

    Where do I find the current version? I guessed and used 1.3.0 and that didn't work. Can you show me an example using the current version?

    Any help would be great

  • I figured it out.

    You will need to download PLUS first:

    Then run unzip: unzip

    Then CD to the package directory insid of it: cd kneron_plus/python/package/raspbianpi4

    Now run: pip3 install KneronPLUS-1.3.0-py3-none-any.whl

  • Hi Myron,

    Sorry for the late reply, and I'm glad you've figured it out.

    Yes, you'll need to download Kneron PLUS first, then go to the package directory in the python folder, then run the command to install the API.

    More information could be found here:

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