[KL520] Converting tflite model to onnx

Hello Kneroners,

I'm trying to convert and upload a customized tflite model (Mediapipe) to KL520 dongle.

Here're the converting methods I've tried and get no luck so far.

  • Firstly I successfully convert tflite to onnx with tflite2onnx from github (https://github.com/zhenhuaw-me/tflite2onnx) but got an OSError while attempting to compile onnx with fpAnalyserCompilerIpevaluator_520.py - cannot identify image file
  • Secondly I tried to convert tflite to onnx with the tool in Kneron's docker (python /workspace/libs/ONNX_Convertor/tflite-onnx/onnx_tflite/tflite2onnx.py -tflite ./hand_landmark_full.tflite -save_path ./hand_landmark_full.onnx -release_mode True) and got lots of WARNING and failed to create any file

May I have your suggestion or is there any document or discussion thread that I could refer to. Thank you.

BR, Wallace


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