About Yoro Example

I received a Vatics EVB-M5S (KLM5502S3) and am testing it.

I am studying the Toolchain Docker Manual part of the Kneron Document Center.

This is my first experience with Kneron Chip.

Only the ModelConfig of Yoro Example was changed.

   ktc.ModelConfig(211, "0001", "630", onnx_model=m)

And to run the Appendix python script

A message like the one below is output:

"Input dimensions for 'input_1_o0' (index: 0) do not match. Please make sure your data is the correct shape."

I don't know what's wrong.



  • @Songaji

    Hi Songaji,

    This message appears

    "Input dimensions for 'input_1_o0' (index: 0) do not match. Please make sure your data is the correct shape."

    It may be because when you preprocess the data, the data shape does not match your model's input shape. Please ensure that the data shape order you input matches the model's input shape order.

  • Hi Andy

    Posting a reply was helpful.

    thank you very much.

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