kneron-mmdetection on KLM5S3

in the kneron document center

I did the same with kneron-mmdetection step-by-step.


The model trained in Kneron was downloaded and used. (

As a final result, /data1/batch_compile/models_630.nef was created.

On the Vatics Evaluation Board (KLM5S3 SiP EVM)

The nni_generic program was executed by changing config (nni_generic_config.ini) as follows.

   Mode = 0


When viewed with VLC Media player

A green box is drawn randomly regardless of the object.

I don't know which step is wrong.



  • Hi,

    Thank you for the question.

    Regarding KLM5S3 related question, could you contact these people directly?

    Nick.Wang <>; Jack.Zhan <>; Max.Chang <>;Benjamin.Wang<>; Shihchun.Fanchiang <>

    Nick Wang will be the main contact in this group.

  • Hi warren

    Thank you very much.

    I'll ask Vatics directly.

    Thanks again.

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