Preprocess and radix setting

I've set img_preprocess_method to kneron and radix to 8 in input_params.json as following.

"preprocess": {

    "img_preprocess_method": "kneron",

    "img_channel": "L",

    "radix": 8,

    "keep_aspect_ratio": false,

    "pad_mode": 1,

    "p_crop": {

      "crop_x": 0,

      "crop_y": 0,

      "crop_w": 0,

      "crop_h": 0



But after running /workspace/scripts/ and /workspace/scripts/, the result of hardware validation shows the radix=2.

How can I actually set the radix to 8?



  • Actually, the radix with your setting is 8.

    There are different radix in each layer, and the radix: 2 in log means the radix of last layer. Please disregard the number.

    In your case, you set the parameters "img_preprocess_method": "kneron" and "radix": 8, with the radix formula: 7 – ceil(log2 (abs_max)), your model would be quantized by radix = 8.

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