Tflite Model Migration


I was given a Yolo network in tflite to migrate to kneron. The network is attached below. I ran the script and I got the following error message:

INFO:tflite2onnx:Error: Something Wrong

ERROR:tflite2onnx:Didn't find op for builtin opcode 'RESIZE_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR' version '3'

Registration failed.

I thought the resize operator was supported in onnx. Could you please shed some light on what causes this issue? Thanks!



  • Hi Raef Youssef,

    It's error comes from tflite intepreter while loading model,

    I guess there is a tensorflow version mismatch issue while convert tensorflow model to tflite model,

    Could you share how you generate the tflite model and the tensorflow environment?

    Or maybe downgrade your tensorflow version to 1.15 might help.

    And, I notice that your model has been quantized,

    Currently(toolchain_v0.14) tflite2onnx and toolchain doesn't support quantized model as input.

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