How to setup the member ext_param of Structure kdp_dme_cfg_s ?

edited December 2021 in KL720 related discussion

There is a attachment about code.

I can't upload cpp file, so the file is txt.

Code is almost as same as kneron sample code.

Difference is line 30 (original input name is dog, but I change to cat) and line 233 (I try to modify threshold).

Cat image and model source is from kneron sample code. (v0.9.1)

if user id is 0, detection result:

If user id is 1, 

There are 2 question.

Q1: I have setup line 233: 

 dme_cfg[1].ext_param[0] = 0.01f;

Doesn't it means my minimum threshold is 0.01 ?

Why not working? How to correct it?

Q2: What's the yolo threshold mapping to ext_param index?

In host_lib/example/KL720/post_processing_ex.c 

 line 35 and 36 are 2 different threshold to define final detection result.

line 39 and 41 are 2 anchors to calculate rectangle size.

so, how to setup 2 threshold and anchor size to ext_param?


  • Hi, sir,

    how does you mAP result?

    the threadhold setting would be follow the detection result.

    suggest to set class with 1 or 2 class in order to check the relation with thread.

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