Inferred shape and existing shape differ in rank: (0) vs (3) (pytorch_exported_onnx2optimized_onnx)

I'm trying to convert a multi-task face detection network from pytorch_exported_onnx to optimized_onnx.

Model return 3 outputs, classes, bounding boxes, landmarks

If put the model on netron output data id are 913,1231,1429

I think the problem is output format.

Is there any restrict on output format? Like dimension...

I export retinaface model like below.

Here is my model:

torch vesion :1.7.1

torchvision version: 0.8.2


  • Hi ChiYu,

    seems that your exported onnx is invalid,

    you can check your onnx with official onnx api as following:

    import onnx
    import onnx.shape_inference
    m = onnx.load('/data1/retina.onnx')

    if it crash, that means something wrong in your onnx. you have to make sure the onnx is good.

    sometimes the issue comes from bug in onnx, sometimes comes from pytorch.

    I recommend you can remove the hardware unfriendly operator in your torch code directly when you export onnx.

    like here:

    try this, make your life easier.

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